| IAMPS 2003
Brussels, Belgium - May 2003
Competencies for Crisis Response Operations | |
| IAMPS 2003 was hosted in Brussels / Belgium in May 2003. | |
| Presentations:
Assessment of Psychological Fitness for Service in the Recruitment Process of the Swiss Armed Forces.
Boss, P.
Civil-Military Relationships in Multinational Forces: National and Organizational Cultural Issues.
Verrall, N.
Good, Poor, and Disastrous Small-Unit Command: Lessons from the Fireground.
McLennan, J., Holgate, A., Omodei, M. and Wearing, A.
Performance During Peace Support Operations - Keyfactors for Success: A View from the Field.
Swennen, J.
Selection, Training and Repatriation of Finnish PSO-Personnel.
Johansson, A., Laine, M. and Ponteva, M.
The CRASH-model for Psychosocial Crisis Intervention: from Peer Driven Early Intervention to Professional Care and Therapeutic Action with Military and Emergency Services Personnel.
De Soir, E.
The Officer Calibration Scale: Towards Improving Officers’ Ability to Judge Unit Climate in the Canadian Army.
Brown, K. and Johnston, B.
The Role of the Military in Combating Terrorism - Survey of the Croatian Armed Forces.
Filjak, T., Sekula-Golubicek, J. and Sedlanic, R.
The Unifying Role of Competency Models in Human Resource Management for the Military.
Somers, B.
Thoughts on Leadership.
Jezernik, M.
Update on U.S. Navy Recruiter Selection Research.
Borman, W., Penney, L. and Bearden, R.
Why Candidates Leave Belgian Defense during Initial Training.
Devriendt, Y.
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